February 19, 2010

Buzz, Twitter and FaceBook- All in one page

Buzz has become popular overnight. But users dont have to sacrifice using Twitter or Facebook or keep changing the tabs to goto the respective sites.
As i was browsing the other day I ended up in "Mashable" where I read about an article which would enable us using Buzz,Twitter and Facebook without even leaving Gmail page. Tried it and its working. So thought of sharing it here.

Here is how it goes:

1. Open your Gmail account.

2. Goto Settings - >Labs -> Add any Gadget by URL (last one among the many thats listed). Enable it.

3. Goto Settings->Gadgets

4. For adding Twitter gadget copy this link and paste it

5. For adding Facebook gadget copy and paste this link

Refresh the page and its done.

                      Expand the Facebook gadget and this is how it would look after
                      embedding the two gadgets.

Checking mail, Buzzing, Tweeting, Facebooking - now all in one page 


Tamizh Iniyan said...

just today, i had across ur blog. its really good and the topics that you have choosen were really nice. Keep exploring!

Related to this topic: Really google is a tremendous player, rocks by exploring/challenging all.

Even twitter is opts to the word 'simple', technically not up!

There’s so much Twitter can’t do…

That simplicity has made Twitter a huge hit. But “simple” usually means “limited,” and Twitter is no exception. Your messages can’t be longer than 140 characters. There’s no text formatting. You can’t paste in photos or videos. There’s no filtering of messages. No way to rank or rate people or their utterances. No way to send messages out to canned groups of people, like Family or Co-workers.

There’s so much Google Buzz can do…

Google Buzz overcomes all of that. It’s a lot like Twitter (with huge helpings of FriendFeed.com thrown in), but there’s no length limit on your messages. You can search for messages, give certain ones a “thumbs up” (you click a button labeled Like as you do in Facebook). You can forward messages by e-mail. Comments and replies to a certain post remain attached to it, clumped together as a conversation. You can link to your Flickr, Picasa or YouTube accounts, making it easy to drop a photo or a video link into a Buzz posting.
You can also post messages to your Buzz account by e-mail, which is great when you’re on the move.

Unknown said...

Exactly Tamizh..Im a Google freak too..nice to meet u


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